Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama regime repeats Bushevik mistake on banks

Obamatrons will hand out money to banks with no strings attached, just like the Busheviks did.

Stupidity is defined as doing the same thing again that didn't work before. Sigh. I retract my previous statement that the Obamatrons were evil but at least they were smart. Maybe they aren't as dumb as the Busheviks were -- let's face it, the sheer amount of suck coming from the Bushevik regime, it's a wonder that Washington D.C. wasn't turned into a massive black hole -- but it's also clear, now, that they're no administration of Einsteins either. Sigh.

-- Badtux the Disappointed Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Stupidity is defined as doing the same thing again that didn't work before.

    Trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity.

    I retract my previous statement that the Obamatrons were evil but at least they were smart.

    But brainwashed in the house of mirrors.


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