Thursday, June 28, 2007

Let's party like it's 1953!

The U.S. Supreme Court overturns Brown v Board of Education, re-legalizes segregation (as long as it's done wink wink nod nod by drawing school boundaries in a "color blind" way that just happens to put all the white kids in "good" schools and just happens to put all the brown kids in miserable schools).

As a black and white and yellow multicolored penguin, I am of course concerned about this decision, since it means that my multicolored offspring are likely to never be allowed to mix with pale-skinned monocolored monkeys in the schools and thus will be less prepared to interact with them in the workplace and beyond as they go their migratory waterfowl ways. But hey, gotta keep the darkies in their place, right? Why, if white-skinned monocolored monkeys are allowed to mix with dark-skinned monocolored monkeys, it could... it could... uhm... cause the moon to turn into cheese and fall to Earth and cause a plague of mice? Cause San Francisco to slide into the ocean? Cause everybody to come down with leprosy and die horrible deaths? C'mon, folks, I'm reachin' here, help me out!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Turn every significant other into a big blue frog?

  2. People in the south are very happy, they can now keep those they deem inferior away.

    This is a sad day.

  3. It never fails to amaze me as to the depth and degradation the Republican party and the conservatives sink. They've official cast off the masks and now show themselves to be the racists and bigots many of us thought they were.

    Oh, and in a totally non-subject matter, your it! Please, be kind.

  4. Why, it would be like mixing chocolate into milk! Everyone knows that could NEVER work...

  5. It's up to YOU to make the world see the right know people love penguins...they'll listen to YOU!

  6. This is not a laughing matter by any stretch of the imagination. Yet here I am, laughing my ass off.

    I love this. I think of all the years and the lengths Republicans and conservatives went to to prove they weren't bigoted little peckerwoods, I read this post, and I can't help but laugh my ass off. Rook's hit the bulls-eye: they have removed the mask.

    Of course, for many of us, that mask was made of glass -- we saw quite clearly what was on the other side of it. But hey, at least they're facing the truth instead of trying to hide it. So thay aren't absolute piles of excrement...


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