Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday Cat Blogging: Lump

Here is why The Mighty Fang, despite his best efforts, isn't much of a lap cat. This is him curled as tight and compact as he'll go. Needless to say, on any normal-sized lap he's kind of sagging off the sides. He still tries, though -- he'll jump on your lap and settle down and purr. After a while, though, it becomes obvious to him that he just doesn't fit, and he jumps off and sulks a while.

- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. He looks like he enjoys belly scratching!!!

  2. He *hates* belly scratching. Try scratching his belly, he starts kicking your hand with his hind paws and shoving your hand away with his front paws, claws extended, and if you don't get the message, well, hello teeth, goodbye blood. Mencken, on the other hand, looks like he's practically having an orgasm if you scratch his belly, he just rolls around on his back and his mouth pops open and his tongue starts lolling out. Mencken pretends he's a hardened cynical newspaper kitty, but he's really just a softy :-).

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  3. It the "jumping into your lap" that the problem with my "lump", Sox. He's not very good at it with painful results as he extends claws to stabilize himself.

  4. The only painful result when TMF jumps on your lap are due to his weight (16 to 18 pounds) and the fact that your, err, family jewels, might be where one of his feet comes down. Many a male visitor is suddenly singing soprano when the Mighty Fang comes to visit!

  5. Blueberry has a similiar post today about her black cat Jax, who is "big-boned".

    Friday Big Black CatBlogging?

  6. My Jax could have been named Fang too. He has long protuding fangs, and what doesn't show in the pictures is his prominent jaguar-like chin. Unlike TMF, he is the biggest belly-rubbin'-lovin' cat I ever saw. He licks all the hair off his massive belly. It's quite a sight.

  7. Second pretty black cat I've seen today while coasting through blogs.
    Your Mighty Fang is beautiful, too!

  8. That's not a "lump"

    That's a furry bowling ball.

  9. Thanks, Cats. He's a very sleek and shiny kitty, and I have better photos of him showing off his sleek shiny-ness. I was more intent on showing his size by comparison with a normal-sized chair here :-).


  10. My dog (a 45 lb. Boxer) also sleeps that way - she curls herself into a little ball. She hardly has any fur, so she does this to keep warm, I assume.

  11. What a fantastic stuffed pillow for a chair!


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