Saturday, June 30, 2007

An Iraq war critic encounters an Iraq war supporter

The Iraq war supporter says, "It's not dead! It's just... resting! Yeah!"

Well, if it's been "resting" for four years, mate, it isn't bloody likely to get up and start rumbling a samba, right? Let's face facts. This parrot is deceased. Dead. Gone to meet its maker. Kaput. If it ain't been won in four years, it ain't gonna get won. Saying this parrot needs "more time" ain't gonna make it any less stiff. The only reason it isn't pushing up daisies is because the shop keeper err Bush Administration keeps nailing it to its perch and selling it to more gullible idiots who come through the door. But this parrot is, in the end, *dead*.

- Badtux the Parrot Penguin


  1. mullah cimoc say each day more ameriki google: mighty wurlitzer +cia learning usa not free press. this why society destroy, the abortion kill of baby and woman take LBT (low back tattoo) full slut.

    to google: robert maxwell +mossad

    then ameriki become the free and destroy all israeli intel op in usa and the punish all spy.

    especially investigation william kristol and weekly standard own by him rupert murodch

  2. The big problem is that the longer we are in this terrorist training zone,Iraq, the more severe the attack will be in the United States. The first attack on 9/11 used box-cutters for a technology. We one-upped that technology issue with secured cockpit doors and new instructions to pilots.

    Now every day we are in this terrorist training zone is a day that terrorists get to test US technology. There was a wired story not long ago where the report was that IEDs are increasingly sophisticated as they learn how to defeat our technology.Every day Bush and the neo-cons keep our troops in this terrorist training zone gives them the opportunity to one-up our best technologies (jammers, etc) and makes the next attack in the US more deadly and dangerous.Our being in a terrorist training zone makes us much less safe.

  3. What the heck was that? So...I came to lament the parrot and I find ameriki kill of baby low back tatto. You've got to stop meeting people in bars Badtux...honestly!

  4. Don't ask me, Sumo. At first I thought it was a spammer trying to hide a spam link amongst nonsense. But there is no spam link amongst the nonsense. Later I decided that it has to be a non-English-speaker running his text through the Arabic version of Babelfish, with the predictably hilarious results. What can I say?

    - Badtux the Puzzled Penguin


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