Thursday, March 09, 2006

The investigator of open boxes

In last week's episode, I brought a box full of old papers out of storage to sort through, The King claimed it, I evicted The King, and The King went off to sulk under the sofa.

So now I have finished sorting/shredding/filling black plastic bags with trash, and there are two black plastic trash bags and an empty box sitting on the floor. CatTux comes by and licks one of the plastic trash bags for a while (what's with that?!), then decides that it is time to do his duty of investigating the box. While The King, still sulking under the sofa, looks on, he places his paws up on the edge of the box to support him while he dutifully peers inside, and...

oops, it fell over! Oh well, nothing to do but go all the way...

Cool! Except, CatTux puts his paws up on the bottomside of the box and... it falls back over! Oh well, guess that means it's nap time...

And that ends this day's episode of Catside Theatre. Have a very nice day!

- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Bravo!!!

    *applauds wildly*

  2. Thanks..
    Catside Theatre just gave me my first smile of the day..

    think I'll take a nap too.. g'night

  3. I just wish I could have gotten a picture of the moment when CatTux put his paws up on the bottom of the box to investigate the corner, and it fell back over... alas, the flash on my (older model) digital camera takes a *long* time to regenerate, and by the time it had done so, there was nothing to take a picture of but CatTux, having been unceremoniously plopped onto his side, deciding that the only way to reclaim his dignity was to take a nap.

    -Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  4. An Oscar-worthy performance.

    Oh, wait, it isn't a film. Ah, shoot...

  5. My mother's old cat used to love boxes. You'd think you were picking up an empty one and you threw your back out because there was a fat old feline in there.


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