Friday, March 10, 2006

The day of reckoning is coming

So sayeth Robert Reich, pointing to unsustainable deficits and an aging population of lazy feckless baby boomers who refuse to save for retirement and who refuse to work once they hit age 65, yet who demand that all of us born to later generations sustain their unsustainable lifestyle.

Learn a real skill (one that uses your hands). Buy a good set of tools for fixing stuff. Learn how to build a house out of nothing but mud and straw. Third World America is coming, and it isn't gonna be pretty...



  1. Already there, BT. Got a basement full of tools and such. My hobby is making furniture and doing home repair. Plus I have my dad's tools from his career as a mechanic and I haev neevr been afraid to do antyhing that involved mechanical skills. I even have a tent and a sleeping bag and what I need to make water potable, if it came to that.

  2. As a member of the class known as the "working poor", let me welcome the middle-class to my world. You won't like it!

  3. As one of the few 'boomer households who do believe in saving for retirement we're just trying to find a nice little farm somewhere. (preferably in the pac nw - when NY blows, I don't want to still be downwind) All so we can have a garden, a cow, and some chickens - maybe a few heritage pigs... they're not so big as the 'bred for farmco' ones these days.

    That didn't seem so much to ask, 10 years ago, but now?...

  4. Just read the article you linked to, and the thing is, they keep comparing us to our grandparents, not our parents. Our parents were the richest (in general) generation so far. We aren't as rich as them, and after giving our money to social security all of our working lives, we should be able to draw on that insurance without guilt, no?? I guess not, since the oligarchy decided to loot our treasury!

  5. Jobs, as a former member of the class known as the "working poor", I concur. It sucks. I'm not looking forward to my return to that class, which is inevitable at some point in the next ten years because like with TV news babes, managers in my field don't like employees with wrinkles.



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