Tuesday, February 15, 2005

We Want Judge Roy Moore!

Citing the fact that 51% of Americans agree with him that the United States should be a Christian theocracy where preachers detirmine what is law or not, President George W. Bush once again re-nominated twenty preacher men for life time tenure in the federal courts. These fine upstanding Christian men, all of whom have said that sodomists should be stoned, women should be barefoot and pregnant, and doctors should be executed if they perform an abortion, are once again facing a fillibuster by those evil DEMON-crats and their silly insistence that the 1st Amendment of the United States prohibits imposing a state religion upon the 49% of Americans who don't want one. Christian groups, of course, are appalled that those filthy DEMON-crats would dare criticize God's Chosen President and His holy annointed nominees. Meanwhile those filthy sodomists whine that the Bush judges would make them all wear pink triangles so that them swishy fellers and butch gals couldn't be confused with REAL people, God's people, good Christian Republicans.

Oh wah! Look, the problem is that satanic forces are at loose in our land, and abomination walks the land. We need a REAL man to handle this. We need Judge Roy Moore, the only Christian man in America with the guts to say that the Ten Commandments should be the only laws we have!.

But maybe President Bush is just being canny. Maybe he's waiting until one of the members of the Supreme Court die or retire before he noiminates Judge Moore to cleanse our land of abomination. The first abomination that he smites from upon our land, I suggest, should be Red Lobster Restaurant, which is the veritable GATES OF HELL! Remember: You eat lobster, and Satan wins. It says so right in Leviticus 11:9-12!

- Badtux the Satirical Penguin

1 comment:

  1. The Heretik says, less, not Moore.
    Come by soon and see what The Heretik means.

    Good job, now get back to work.


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