Monday, February 21, 2005

Hunter S. Thompson, RIP

I will let Hunter speak for a moment...

Q: So what took place during this past election?

HST: I believe the Republicans have seen what they've believed all along, which is that this democracy stuff is bull, and that people don't want to be burdened by political affairs. That people would rather just be taken care of. The oligarchy doesn't need an educated public. And maybe the nation does prefer tyranny. I think that's what worries me. It goes back to Fourth Amendment issues. How much do you value your freedom? Would you trade your freedom for some illusion of security? Freedom is something that dies unless it's used.

Q: Is there anything you regret?

HST: That goes to the question of would you do it again. If you can't say you'd do it again, it means that time was wasted -- useless. The regrets I have are so minor. You know, would I leave my Keith Richards hat, with the silver skull on it, on the stool at the coffee shop at LaGuardia? I wouldn't do that again. But overall, no, I don't have any regrets.

Hunter S. Thompson, chronologer of the death of the American Dream, was 67 years old when he died Sunday in Aspen, Colorado. The official cause of death is suicide. The real cause of death was a broken heart.

- Badtux the Saddened Penguin

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