Monday, October 25, 2010

Worried Republican

Overheard recently: "I'm scared that the Democrats are going to steal this upcoming election."

Republican definition of "steal an election": "Win it with the votes of brown-skinned people, the poor, and the young." Because only good white Christian middle-class married parents should be allowed to vote, yo.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Second that and how true that is!

  2. Because only real Americans should be allowed to vote, y'know. REAL Americans. Not them dirty dark-skinned untermenschen, or folks who speak one of them furriner gibberish languages, or youngsters who ain't been on the planet long enough to learn the wisdom of bigotry and hate like us old folks, or worse yet them heathens what worships them funny furriner gods in some gibberish languages rather than bein' good Christians following God's word as written in Jesus's very own language, English. Sheesh, the NERVE of them DEMON-crats!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. It's the psychological twitch known as "projection" -- Repigs and their electronic voting machines are going to steal the election, so first they accuse other people of doing whatever evil thing they plan.

  4. But they don't view what their voting machines do as stealing elections, just "correcting" the fact that all those dastardly brown people who should be slaves are, instead, voting -- and (gasp) voting for DEMOCRATS. The horror, oh the horror!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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