Friday, October 29, 2010

What she said

The Aislers Set was a San Francisco band from the early '00s fronted by Amy Linton that had a sort of Brit-pop sound. After a couple of albums recorded in Amy's basement and some positive critical reviews but no sales, they broke up and went their separate ways. Because only insane people would try to make a living making music today... insane people, or people who have no talent for anything else at all. Only a few bands get actual radio play and sales, and they usually suck, having a prefab regurgitated sound that is all about image and nothing about what makes music speak to the heart. So it goes...

This is "Catherine Says" off of their album How I Learned to Write Backwards...

-- Badtux the Music Penguin


  1. BBC, it's a bit more involved than that for my Jeep because of the need for a 250-foot-pound torque wrench for the pinion nut (which must be torqued to 220 foot-lbs) and an extremely sensitive inch-pound torque wrench for the bearing preload.

    You are making it too complex by reading a book about it. Everything doesn't have to be exact, it just has to be close.

    I've set many a bearing preload on the pinion gear just by twisting it by hand and making sure there was a little preload on it.

    You can rent a spreader, all the other tools are common. If it really was complicated you couldn't have it done for just 3 hundred bucks at today's labor rates.

    And if you think if you take it into a shop and they are going to use a torque wrench you're really easy.

    Just ask them to prove they have a 250 pound torque wrench, damn few shops do, they just have breaker bars and four foot cheater pipes.

    Not that I'm not okay with that, did many a rear end that way in shops.

  2. (which must be torqued to 220 foot-lbs)

    Is it a Spicer rear end with a crush sleeve between the pinion bearings?

    If so, the 220 foot-lbs statement is bullshit. You simply apply whatever torque it takes to crush that crush sleeve to where you get some pinon bearing preload.

    You just go slow and turn it a little at a time until you have it where you want it.

    I've spent fifty years as a mechanic, I don't know why I try to explain things to monkeys & penguins that read books and don't understand what in the hell they are reading.

    And think that all mechanics and shops have 250 lb torque wrenches.

  3. I've only seen one 250 lb torque wrench in my life and it was on a boat.

    But a few shops do have a gear thing that multiplies the force of 150 lb wrenches. Damn few.

  4. WTF does this have to do with anything? Anyhow, like I said, if you've done enough of these things you can just eyeball it and feel it in. Those of us who have not, however, need to use the torque wrenches and shit to get it right. Thus why I'm going to take it to someone who does these all the time, rather than doing it myself, doh!

    - Badtux the Practical Penguin


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