Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Busier than a one-legged penguin at a dance contest

Sorry about the light posting. Starting at a new job is like that, you're spending so much time getting up to speed and trying to impress the boss so he won't think he made a mistake hiring you that there just isn't any time to comment on things like, say, sixty year old gas lines exploding and taking out a buncha homes in the third-world nation that the United States is becoming, Glenn Beck's new book "I'm an idiot and you can be, too", or any of that. In the meantime, there's the music. Enjoy.

-- Badtux the Busily Hopping Penguin


  1. " . . . a one-legged penguin at a dance contest"

    I'm trying to decide if I would pay to see that . . .


  2. , you're spending so much time getting up to speed and trying to impress the boss so he won't think he made a mistake hiring you that there just isn't any time to comment on things

    Follow the IT tech's code, IF YOU CAN'T DAZZLE THEM WITH BRILLIANCE - BAFFLE THEM WITH BULLSHIT until you get it figured out.

    I'm going camping, the rest of you monkeys are in charge while I'm gone.

  3. BBC, the problem with the "baffle them with bullshit" thing is if your boss is a techie, it doesn't work :). So I'll dazzle'em with brilliance, thank ya very much.

    Jazz, it'd make a strange sight, that's for sure!

    - Badtux the Busy Penguin


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