Saturday, December 19, 2009


Anybody else find it interesting that at the same time we're bombing Yemen and occupying Iraq, we lecture Iran about respecting the sovereignty of other nations?

That's the problem with doing evil shit -- you lose any moral high ground to lecture other people, and end up as that big-mouth asshole that nobody listens to.

-- Badtux the Not-such-a-hypocrit Penguin


  1. Ironically, many "evil" people and/or institutions become so disconnected from reality that they start believing their own pathetic justifications for their actions and therefore do not see themselves as evil.

  2. OK. We do a lot of evil shit, but:

    US Assistant Secretary of State Philip Crowley, at a press briefing in Washington, categorically denied his country was militarily involved in the conflict in northern Yemen.

    "Those kinds of reports keep cropping up. We do not have a military role in this conflict," he said on Tuesday.

    The Yemeni government, meanwhile, said it was the country's own armed forces which carried out air strikes against the rebels and that their allegations were mere lies.

    "We are used to lies and allegations from (the rebels) which they use to justify their crimes against the rights of citizens," a government source said in a statement.

    C'non - Has Phil Crowley* ever lied to you?

    Anyway, if we ever had a moral high ground, we lost it in Iran in 1953. Ike and Winnie - weren't they a pair?

    JzB the high-ground trombonist

    * Hey - didn't Led Zeppelin record in his house?

  3. Moral high ground, ha ha ha ha ha

    You crack me up.

    Say buddy, can you spare me a few bombs?

  4. Exactly what I've been thinking for years.

    Weren't we saying the same during our Vietnam annihilation campaign?

    I wish every time some official used the phrase "moral high ground" or metaphors signifying same that they would choke.

    As if it would matter.


    Anybody else find it interesting that at the same time we're bombing Yemen and occupying Iraq, we lecture Iran about respecting the sovereignty of other nations?


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