Friday, December 18, 2009


I was out of town from Monday-Thursday of this week, freezing my butt off in Buffalo at a client site. To prepare the kittehs for that, I put out four days worth of food. Of course, The Mighty Fang being a mighty kibble monster, he probably eats that in two days, but here he is immediately after he heard the kibble hit the platter...

Yes, TMF is *fat*.

-- Badtux the Fat-cat-owned Penguin


  1. Don't you have those 'timed opening feeders'? We used them from time to time in the past. Or better still, and we're lucky in this respect, a friendly neighbour to come in once a day and open a tin.

  2. I'm about to go get one, but I'm kind of dubious about them. Anything technological can fail. The only way putting six days of food down for the kittehs can fail is if gravity fails, in which case we have bigger problems ;).

    I thought about a neighbor or co-worker doing the task, but I have too much tempting technological stuff out in the open. If I had a "geek room" for my toys that I could lock separately to keep prying eyes out, I'd feel better about it, but I don't.

  3. Next time you hit a rust belt city in winter, dress for it. We had a fairly normal temp all week and I apologize for not working up a good snow for you. It's obvious you don't take after your Emperor cousins.

  4. I was only speaking metaphorically about the "freezing my butt off" bit. In actuality I had my ski clothes on and was quite toasty. Yes, we *do* get cold weather in California, you just have to go to it, instead of it coming to you.

    I got spit on by rain one day, and snow flurries another day, but no real extreme weather. Definitely was glad that I had no big snow storm hit. Being stuck in Toledo OH is not my idea of fun!

    - Badtux the Well-insulated Penguin

  5. You are right about Toledo, but Buffalo ain't half bad when you know where to go.

  6. I ain't goin' *nowhere* in the middle of a snowstorm, thankyouverymuch. That's what they invented "room service" for ;).

    The sad thing about business trips is that you don't get to see anything but the street between the airport, your hotel and the job site. By the end of the day you're tired and it's dark outside. I haven't the foggiest idea what the cities I "visited" look like, other than their suburbs where the airports and technology companies live.

    - Badtux the Flying (alas) Penguin

  7. Geek isn't green you know. And no matter how fat that cat gets, it's hardly worth skinning in hard times. Better to eat the neighbors dog.

  8. Seriously, you were in Toledo - my home town?

    What would take you to that dying burg?

    JzB the yes I'm really from freaking Toledo trombonist

    WV: freaking

  9. Visiting customer sites to do training. It was my turn, they said. Besides, I'm single, everybody else has kids and had to get their Christmas shopping done :(.

  10. You're in California and have customers in Toledo?

    We really need to find a way to have some drinks together.

    JzB the makes a mean martini trombonsit

  11. Jazz, this was a one-time fact-finding mission where my main task was to suck up as much information as possible about the customer workflow and how our product could be improved to better accelerate that workflow. So I seriously doubt I'll ever be flying that direction again. At least, I hope not ;).

    - Badtux the Now-flightless Penguin

  12. Pity. I'd take you to Packo's

    JzB the remembers MASH trombonist


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