Monday, January 09, 2006

Used car salesmen

After my trip to Death Valley on my KLR, I've decided that a KLR isn't exactly a good ride for those conditions, due to the limited amount of water that it can carry. Thus I am looking for a used/cheap Jeep.

Looking at a supposed low-mileage Jeep at a dealership, it was obvious just by looking at the front brakes that this Jeep either had a lot more miles on it or someone had driven it around with their foot on the pedal. While pondering this, I came up with the ultimate insult to use against a crooked used car dealer:

"You're as crooked as a Republican congressman."

Hmm, except that may be a little too hard on used car dealers...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Not too hard to use on the SOB who sold me that Pontiac Sunfire.

    But harsh nevertheless.


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