Thursday, January 26, 2006

Fighting them here so we don't have to fight them over there

Operation Yellow Elephant continues to berate our brave men and (and token women) of the 101st Fighting Keyboarders for not signing up to go fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some of those nasty liberals even berate conservative "media personalities" for not urging their listeners or watchers to enlist.

Oh dear me. These nasty liberals ought to stop insulting our brave patriotic yellow elephants. Why, you know they provide such a great national service, blogging with cheeto-stained fingers from their Momma's basements protecting American from those evil Liberals of Mass Destruction. Why, if they weren't there to educate all us right-thinking people about why liberals were evil and should all be exterminated, those nasty liberals could EXPLODE in massive peace marches and KILL US ALL with kindness! The horror, oh the horror!

No no, it's much better that they stay in their basements protecting us from those nasty liberals, rather than signing up to fight the terrorists who've killed thousands of Americans. Remember, terrorists aren't the real enemy of America. Liberals with their horrific Weapons of Mass Frenchification are. Why, every time a liberal speaks, one of our brave fighting men or women in Iraq clutches his chest, and cries "Medic! Medic! I've been hit! I've been hit! Some liberal didn't speak loudly enough in support of our Dear Leader's war and my feelings are hurt!" and expires. It is clear that those nasty liberals are far, far more dangerous than terrorists, and thus our brave yellow elephants are far more important here on the home front than fighting terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq.

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

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