Wednesday, January 18, 2006

He vants to drink your blood!

From Minnesota, home of Jesse Ventura, comes the latest and greatest candidate for governor: A vampire. It appears that, given that the nation is already run by blood-sucking monsters, this candidate, Jonathon The Impaler, wants to make it official.

Guess you gotta give him credit for being an honest politician, at least. In the meantime, I leave you with this other picture of a blood sucking monster:

VP Dick Cheney preparing to bathe in the blood of virgins

Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Hey, you might've put up a warning before you posted that picture! Some of us are trying to eat.

  2. AAUGH!

    *spits drink on monitor*

  3. One, one Swift Boat Smear! Ha ha ha!

    Two, two Swift Boat Smears! Ha ha ha!

  4. Yipes Tux,it's way too early for you to be scaring me like that.Admittedly though,I think the veep is a vamp and sleeps in a closet hanging upside down.I just wanna know how he hides the bat wings under those suits.

  5. That boy is fugly! Imagine having to see that face first thing in the morning. Yuck.

    How can anyone tell if he's in pain?


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