Saturday, April 07, 2012

Mission accomplished

Today was frustrating. It was a beautiful Jeeping day, temperature in the mid 70's, clear, sunny, but... that bleepin' HARD TOP was harshing my mellow, man. I took off the "Freedom Panels" (the front removable panels of the hard top) to get more air and sunshine but the air just buffets around the back of the Jeep when I do that, because that *hard top* was back there still.

I gave up on lowering the hard top to the ground and decided to just leave it up on the ceiling, which means the ratchet straps had plenty of working distance, at the expense of having a hard top hanging in the middle of my garage:

I can walk under it, so (shrug). It's not as if I use the garage as anything other than a workshop anyhow, I never park the Jeep in it because it's too much a PITA opening and closing the old-school garage door and besides it's too cramped.

Oh yeah, the extra yellow strap running down the middle is just a safety strap in case one of the ratchet straps decide to let go. Not that I expect that to happen, this plastic hard top isn't all that heavy and those eye bolts go all the way through those 2x4's, which in turn are part of a boxed structure that is fairly strong.

Tomorrow I show you pics of the Jeep with the soft top on, it was too dark by the time I finished putting the soft top on it tonite...

-- Badtux the Jeepin' Penguin


  1. Besides, look at all that extra storage space you have without either the Jeep or the top occupying floor space. Looks like a win-win to me...of course I've already had a bottle of wine this evening, so what do I know.

  2. Besides, look at all that extra storage space you have without either the Jeep or the top occupying floor space. Looks like a win-win to me...of course I've already had a bottle of wine this evening, so what do I know.


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