Thursday, January 06, 2011

Día de los Reyes

Today marks the Feast of the Epiphany, end of the twelve days of Christmas. This is the customary day for gift exchanges in many Christian cultures because it is the day that the three wise guys finally arrived in Bethlehem with their totally inappropriate gifts after putzing around for over a week because they came across so many unlocked cars to 'jack and had trouble finding a good chop shop in a foreign land.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin



  1. Tux -

    Don't be ridiculous. Myrrh is the perfect gift for any occasion!


  2. Y'know, if I had just given birth after a long walk under harsh conditions, somehow I think perfume would be the *last* thing I was thinking of. Just sayin' :).

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. Ah, I also posted about the epiphany today, but I wasn't as nice as you.

  4. Y'know, if I had just given birth after a long walk under harsh conditions, somehow I think perfume would be the *last* thing I was thinking of.

    Yeah, but if you had just given birth after a long walk under harsh conditions, you'd probably smell like ass.


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