Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sigh, another asshole company speaks

Subway's lawyers tell rest of world to stop using the word "footlong" because they have it trademarked.

And I have a footlong schlong, Subway. Trademark that, why doncha? Right up your collective lawyer's ass, preferably.

-- Badtux the Rude (and well endowed?) Penguin


  1. Does that mean that all ruler makers will have to pay royalties to Subway?

  2. roflmao, dude, that was funny.

  3. You do know that corporations can patent your genes without your consent and own the trademark to your name against your will. If you have a footlong, you might want to call it a "foot of meat" and talk to your attorney

  4. Be careful. You might get into a fight with Farmer John and their "foot long dogs".

  5. Subway can just damn kiss my half long.

  6. If a judge upholds this trademark, it is definitely going to be a disaster for the porn industry, that's for sure!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  7. I foresee a future for foodporn. Who wouldn't want to see a nubile woman (or studly bottomguy, if that's your style) getting jammed by a juice-dripping Subway sanger?

  8. good god, don't they have anything better to make their food edible?

  9. You do?

    When can you come over?

  10. since the supreme court has ruled corporations are people - there is no reason Subway cant be parading around their footlong -- but now will someone arrest them for indecent exposure

  11. Oh, good fucking grief. Tell us, Subway, just what is a "footlong" sandwich? What kind of bread is it on, white or wheat? Oh... you say the customer chooses. Toasted or not? mustard or not, and if so, is it spicy? What meats? what veggies? Oh... whatever the customer asks for, you say? So the proprietary "footlong" you're whining about is a white/wheat toasted/not mustard-mayo-oiled-vinagered-salted-peppered-... IOW, you're trying to trademark your damned name for any damned sandwich in the world. Oh, yeah, that's gonna help you compete. Badtux said it: you can just suck on my, oh, never mind. PS, whatcha gonna do when the NYC city subway system sues ya for using their maps?


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