Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I am becoming ordinary

I sold my V-Strom 650 today, my last motorcycle. I am now that much more boring. I am sad :-(.

-- Badtux the Boring Penguin


  1. You poor old man . Be glad you had it as long as you did . Some of us gave up much earlier , for differen't reasons .
    a compasionate and even older ,

  2. If the withdrawal symptoms get too bad can always go get another one.

  3. Hmmmmm. Maybe a new guitar in your near future?

    JzB the hopeful trombonist

  4. Not only does one feel as if they are more ordinary buy such a change, but less free as well. Sure, a car can get you to most of the same places, but it just isn't the same.

  5. To be honest with you ,I didn't give up riding although that would of been affected too . I had an on the job injury , I am/was a Smog Tech . An Explorer went from park to drive at 2500 rpm and I happened to be in fornt of it . It was awhile till I could even open a hood without being nervous . It ruined me . Attitude , confidence , even my skills were affected . I've had to retire from Auto . Sure I can do backyard stuff now , but not under pressure . Changed me forever .

  6. Yikes! No more two wheels? What is the world coming to?

    Yeah, even though I gave mine up 20+ years ago, I still consider myself a biker (Have even kept my motorcycle license current, but I wouldn't dream of jumping on one now without a training course again.).


  7. i gave them up when i found out that motorcycles don't climb pine trees. totally useless items, if you're living here in the piney woods.


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