Wednesday, October 01, 2008

"Fuck it, I'm votin' for the nigger."

Seems that even racists are figuring out that Republican mis-management of the economy is a disaster, to the point where they're even considering voting for a black man, even if they're reluctant to tell their fellow kkklub members that.

And somewhere, the ghost of MLK is smiling...

-- Badtux the somewhat-more-optimistic Penguin

...but not by much! Because 50% of all Americans are below average... and average ain't so smart in America nowdays, after 30 years of deliberate dumbing the nation down by the tighty righties.


  1. Been saying all along that I was voting for the nigger.

    Not sure that is the wise thing to do though. McCain would help this all topple sooner and the sooner it topples the sooner it can be rebuilt.

    Still, I wouldn't mind give a brown monkey a chance.

    May you live in interesting times.

  2. "Still, I wouldn't mind give a brown monkey a chance."

    Still, I don't mind giving a brown monkey a chance."

  3. Trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity.

  4. Heeeeee! I have a mental image of rednecks wearing Obama/Biden buttons.


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