Wednesday, December 19, 2007

War on Christmas continues

Santa's package groped by grown woman who sat on his lap and demanded a picture. She's now charged with sexual harassment of Santa. There's a lady whose only package for Christmas is gonna be lumps of coal.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Well, maybe she shouldn't have done it in front of children. Depends on how visible it all was.

    But I'm guessing that if the kids wasn't there he would have enjoyed it. Unless he is some kind of screwed up Christian.

  2. hmmm...happens to me all the time...

  3. I was groped once. I hope it happens again someday.

    That's what I want for Christless day.

    The lady was confused. You're supposed to get presents from Santa, not give them.

  4. Folks, there's groping, and then there's groping. The kind of groping where the, uhm, brass ones (or marshmallow ones if you're a Democratic senator) are squeezed hard *hurts*. Unless you're into S&M, that's not the kind of groping that makes you want to give a gift to the groper :-).

  5. Not fair at all. When I played Santa some kid ... lost control when he climbed up on my knee. Wet and stinky. I'd rather been groped by the teacher.


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