Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Gay soybeans

So World Nut Daily (no linky, sorry!) sez gay-ness isn't anything to do with being born gay, it's 'cause we feed so much soy products to our kids and this femenizes them 'cause of all the estrogens in soy.

Guess that explains gay penguins. It's all the soy products they eat!

Err... oops, sorry. Penguins eat herring, not soy. Next!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. You know, we have always harbored the sneaking suspicion that the existence of tofu was a Liberal/Islamofascist/Feminazi plot to turn all us macho, he-man 'Murrican males gayer than the Gay Mayor or Gaytown. At least, the horrific truth is revealed!

  2. LOL, I guess that explains my PMS.

  3. LOL, I guess that explains my PMS.

  4. LOL, I guess that explains my PMS.

  5. Uh, sorry Tux. Blogger's comments are acting up and I'm very impatient when I'm moody!!!!

  6. wow - so it's what i eat that makes a person gay?? i never

  7. There are two different types of gays and it has nothing to do with food. But I'm dammed if I'm going to explain it again.

  8. You haven't tried the texturized soy protein herring in canola oil sour cream flavor sauce?


  9. I drink soy milk and yes I'm happy, but not gay.

  10. And there I went and asked for a soy milk maker for Xmas. I guess I'll have to go with the Francis! Francis! Espresson machine . . .

    And no I'm not gay, but thanks for asking!

  11. Oooooooooooh, and here I thought it was eating DICKS that made men gay! Here all along it's been soy!




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