Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Delay promises to do "whatever it takes"...

Tom Delay promises to do "whatever it takes" to get his name off the ballot, after the Supreme Court refused to hear his case for naming a new Republican nominee.

My understanding is that Texas law allows taking a name off the ballot only in the event of the death of the candidate.

Hmm... should we be putting a suicide watch on Tom Delay right now?!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. should we be putting a suicide watch on Tom Delay right now?

    Absolutely! Their mission will be to take out anyone who tries to stop him from offing himself.

  2. I'm willing to offer him all the help he needs, to off himself that is.

  3. If I never hear that man's name again, it will be too soon.

  4. i'd love to watch. . .and offer tech advice.

  5. Great Nixon Below, what a wretched day for the Lord's People. First, those dastardly America-hating liberals on the Supreme Court force Saint Bugman to represent his party after winning his primary, then the voters of Connecticutistan vote to replace JoeMentum with a Democrat! Egad, the terrorists have already won!

  6. I don't know what a K-bar is, but will a tire iron do?

  7. I don't see the problem.
    As a candidate he IS dead.

  8. I wouldn't mind watching him commit suicide and I'm probably not the only one. Who gets the popcorn and beer concession?

  9. SB Gypsy, a K-bar is a fighting knife, pretty much a sharpened tire iron.


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