Monday, July 24, 2006

Israel heading for genocide

There is only one way to win a guerilla war in an foreign land against guerillas who blend into the population, and that is genocide. The other methods used to win a guerilla war (secret police, death squads, etc.) are not available to you because you are an occupier -- you do not speak the language, you don't know the people, you don't understand the culture. Genocide is "it", so to speak.

Some folks wonder, "if Israel, the #2 military power in the world, could not win against Hezbollah in South Lebanon in the 1980's and 90's, why do they think they can win now?". One reason, I suppose, is that one of Hezbollah's backers, Syria, no longer has Soviet support since the collapse of the Soviet Union, while Iraq is out of the game. But that does not account for the "Iran Factor" -- Iran is certainly capable of providing Hezbollah with all the old Soviet-era guerilla weapons and ammunition that they can stamp out in their hundreds of weapons factories that they've bought from the Chinese. But another reason might be that they intend to go about it differently now. Think: If the problem is that the guerilla blends into the sea of civilians, how do you get rid of the guerilla? That's right, GET RID OF THE CIVILIANS! I.e., GENOCIDE.

This explains why Israel would bomb the ports and airport and all bridges, and put up an aerial and sea blockade. They want to isolate Lebanon so that reporters cannot easily enter and exit and, if they make it to Lebanon, cannot easily file reports. Don't believe the bullshit about how "Hezbollah brought weapons in through the airport thus we had to bomb it." If you want to bomb the airport that Hezbollah gets its weapons through, you have to go a bit to the south to Damascus. There's only one conceivable reason to bomb those bridges and ports, and it has nothing to do with anything Hezbollah. Rather, it's to isolate Lebanon, so that Israel can then slaughter as many civilians as necessary to remove the 'sea of civilians' that the guerilla hides amongst without international reprobation of the slaughter.

Not that there would be any more international reaction to the slaughter than there was in Darfur. As far as the major powers are concerned, if you're not a white Christian or white Jew you aren't human, and thus don't merit the concern of the world. As a former Israeli tank commander explained to me, about why he had no problems firing shells into Palestinian apartment towers -- "Palestinians aren't human. They're dirty smelly savages, cockroaches on two feet. We ought to exterminate them all." Yes, that's how Israelis think about Palestinians and Lebanese. Those nasty untermenschen are not God's chosen people, they're ugly nasty bad-smelling Arabs, thus they don't count as human.

Israel was formed as a reaction against the ethnic and religious-based genocides of Hitler's murderous regime. Now it appears that Israel itself is set to commit ethnic and religoius-based genocides. Congratulations, Israel. You have become that which you hate.

-- Badtux the History Penguin

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm like the only person-of-Jewish-heritage* on the planet who agrees with you.

    *meaning I identify as Ashkenazi, ethnically, but I'm not Jewish in practice, if that makes sense.


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