Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Where's my porn?

I find out from General J.C. Christian that AT&T is a porn peddler. I just have one question: As an AT&T subscriber, how can I get my porn? And do I get a choice of porn? Can I get nice lucious penguin porn featuring Scandinavian hotties? I tried calling AT&T to see where my penguin porn was, but all that happened was that the lady laughed for, like, musta been five minutes, then hung up on me!

So where's my porn? Curious penguins want to know!

- Badtux the Aroused Penguin


  1. Now you've given me an idea (never a good thing, I assure you). In addition to me usual frog porn, I may have a Thursday Penguin Porn Day.

    I used to work for AT&T and they were squeaky clean until I worked there. See, I'm a liberal, and you know how we spread smut everywhere we go.

  2. ROFL Frogsdong.

    But I think that Badtux should post penguin porn. Maybe on Wednesdays we can just go from theme-porn to theme-porn. It could be fun.

    My theme (by screenname) is Starfleet.


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